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Hun forlot byen en dag. Leide en gammel trebåt og startet å ro over en innsjø. Hun visste at en sky fugl hadde redet sitt der. Da natten kom hadde hun fremdeles ikke sett fuglen. Men da morgenen kom hørte hun den kalle på seg gjennom tåken.

Ide, klipp og foto: Skule Eriksen
Format: Cinemascope 2.4:1
Lengde: 5 minutter



She left the city, hired an old wooden boat and started rowing across a lake. She knew that a shy bird was nesting there somewhere. When the night came she had still not seen the bird. But when the morning came the bird was calling through the mist.

Directing, cinematography and editing: Skule Eriksen
Format: Cinemascope 2.4:1
Duration: 5 minutes
Financing: Vestnorsk Filmsenter AS